Second TEDx Talk coming to Oakland in October 2015

The upcoming TEDx event will be held in October 2015 and will be hosting multiple speakers, student groups and exhibits. It will differ from the previous year in the size, length and amount of students that will be able to go. The theme will follow Oakland’s new theme, “Aspire To Rise,” as well.
Last year Oakland University hosted its very first TEDx Talk on campus. Next year, Oakland will be hosting their second, and it will be larger than the last.
“We opened it for 100 students for free. The tickets went so fast we were astonished and upset we couldn’t open it up for more students,” said Laura Dinsmoor, TED Talk organizer and Oakland professor.
A group of Oakland University staff and students work on and help organize the TED Talks. If a staff member or student wants to join, they can join by joining the TEDx Grizz Org on campus.
“We want students to learn how to put on and organize a conference,” Dinsmoor said. “Our goal isn’t to have these events just for fun. We want students to get engaged and learn from each other.”
The upcoming event will be held in October 2015 and will be hosting multiple speakers, student groups and exhibits. It will differ from the previous year in the size, length and amount of students that will be able to go. The theme will follow Oakland’s new theme, “Aspire To Rise,” as well.
The student TEDx group will also be holding what they call a Salon Dec. 3, 2014. This event can be thought of as a mini version of what will be expected at the larger event in 2015.
“We hope the Salons that we do in the school year get more excitement for our larger conference next year,” said Travis Noon, president of the TEDx Grizz Org group.
“We have been putting a great deal of energy into it, and we are going to be highlighting a number of speakers,”
Tickets for the Salon will go on sale Nov. 3. The first 100 students in line will be given free tickets at the CSA window. The event will have free food, and the theme will be ‘Brave.’ There will be speakers talking about courageous acts and different walks of life.
For more information on these events, visit Oakland’s chapter at