Tips for staying organized during the new semester

Tip #1: Invest in an agenda

This particular agenda is from Kate Spade. However, any agenda will work as long as the pages have enough space to write down all of your homework and things you need to get done each week.Macintosh HD:Users:Selah:Pictures:iPhoto Library.photolibrary:Previews:2014:10:26:20141026-202033:u%WtfojoSBC8oY5rf5JWmw:IMG_1209.JPGMacintosh HD:Users:Selah:Pictures:iPhoto Library.photolibrary:Previews:2014:10:26:20141026-202033:NcIfQFW4Q0W1b1uC0N%5sg:IMG_1207.JPG

Tip #2: Color coordinate

Choosing a specific color folder and notebook for each class will not only allow you to tell them apart easily, but it will help keep each class separate and everything in place. The worst thing you can do is buy a five-subject notebook and think you’re not going to be overwhelmed. Everything needs its own place.

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Tip #3: Colorful writing utensils

You can never have enough things to write with. It’s a proven fact that people learn better in color.

What I find works best is to write down each class’s homework in a different color pen and then highlight it once it is completed. This way, I know what I still need to work on and what I no longer have to worry about.Macintosh HD:Users:Selah:Pictures:iPhoto Library.photolibrary:Previews:2014:10:26:20141026-202033:sX2YV0TcQx2aQ7%Djs9srA:IMG_1206.JPG

Tip #4: Labeled binders

I know having a specific folder, notebook and binder for each class can seem like a lot to carry and unnecessary, but I promise it will make your college life easier. If you don’t need a binder for your class, then obviously stick to just a folder and notebook. However, some professors prefer you to have a binder for certain things.

For this trick, you can go to any local craft store and pick up some sheets of patterned paper. They’re super cheap and have tons of them to pick from. Just cut them to fit inside the front of the binder. Then, taking some craft letters that are also from any craft store, place them in the front of the binder as well to spell out the subject the binder is for. Make sure you get letters with a sticky backing so they stay in place.Macintosh HD:Users:Selah:Pictures:iPhoto Library.photolibrary:Previews:2014:11:30:20141130-182105:ifG7QXvoRu+b3kYzL+1XZg:IMG_1377.jpgMacintosh HD:Users:Selah:Pictures:iPhoto Library.photolibrary:Previews:2014:11:30:20141130-182105:U%n9coWkRGC9zb96ft9BBA:IMG_1382.jpgMacintosh HD:Users:Selah:Pictures:iPhoto Library.photolibrary:Previews:2014:11:30:20141130-182105:ER+bnpl5RxWS41g52YQ9Tg:IMG_1375.JPG