Student Statesman: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses … legally

Our southern border is experiencing a flood of illegal immigration. The illegals are coming not only from Mexico, but also from other Latin American countries. According to the BBC there has also been about 52,000 children that have crossed the border, most of them unattended. The Border Patrol Agency has been overwhelmed by the surge and has therefore been housing illegals in very poor conditions.

I’m not against legal immigration. I’m against illegal immigration. It’s super important to not confuse the two, otherwise you hear stuff like, “Amnesty is good because immigrants built this country.”

Note: this is a massive subject; for the sake of time, I’m not going to talk about every aspect, like the kids, the drug problem, etc.

We’ve created a double standard. People who illegally immigrate are given free healthcare, education, housing, food and clothing, according to Judicial Watch (an anti-government waste research center). We’ve got millions of people coming into the country who are being taught that America is about getting free stuff if you break the law.

On the other hand, people who try to follow the rules and legally immigrate here go through a tortuous examination process, pay heavy fees, take difficult tests and wait for up to 10 years. Practically every news agency in the country has run a story on our lengthy and expensive legal immigration process.

So the rest of the world looks and says, “Hmmm, if I break into the country, I’m treated like a hero by politicians, but if I try to come legally, I’m treated like a criminal.” Did I say 10 years?

Look, I’m all for immigration. My ancestors were Scotch, Welsh, Irish, English and a smattering of other ethnicities. So, I say, let’s have legal immigration. But let’s not act like breaking the law is ok.