Building Oakland’s brand through social media
It’s a fairly new organization with about 100 active members. Anyone familiar with social media can join. The goal is to utilize the internet to market OU.
Getting a message across to others is easier than ever thanks to the birth of social media. Oakland University is using this to its advantage through the Social Media Street Team, a new student organization.
Despite its being a fairly new organization, it already has roughly 100 active members. Anyone familiar with social media can join — the goal is to utilize the internet to market OU.
“We come together by promoting events and promoting Oakland,” President Josh Pokrefky said.
Using the hashtag #ThisIsOU, members post updates about what’s going on around campus and initiating students to be a part of it.
“We are not your average student organization,” Pokrefky said. “Most of what we do is behind a cell phone and it’s easy to be involveded.”
With so many people using smartphones and posting live updates off of their Facebook and Twitter accounts, it is expected that the Social Media Street Team will grow quickly this year.
“This opportunity is the perfect way to create your personal brand,” group adviser Colleen Campbell said. “It’s an educational experience on how to be professional using a public forum… being affiliated with OU’s growth will help a student market him or herself and create life-long connections using networking that could be beneficial in the future.”
Campbell said she and others behind the group want to help students grow and develop their images using the powerful tool that is social media.
Not only do members have the advantage of personal marketing, but they also get the benefit of sometimes receiving free OU swag, such as t-shirts and bracelets, just for being active and participating.
“I want to see less Michigan and Michigan State college gear and more Oakland-related wear,” Pokrefky said.
Becoming a member
Being interactive on the Social Media Street Team begins with sending in the application found on the group’s GrizzOrg website.
It’s also possible to be recommended, as the team is always looking at who’s actively promoting OU.
“We will notice those who are always going to events and posting about it using hashtags,” Vice President Kristiana Hila said.
Being a part of the Social Media Street Team is easy, and a student member doesn’t have to live on campus to be a part of it. Participating in the Street Team requires only positive enthusiasm and active posting.
Contact Staff Intern Erica Marracco via email at [email protected].
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