Hey Procrastinators: Three Ways to Stay on Track

For those of us that are faced with pulling a miracle all-nighter, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Look, we all know that part of the reason I have to write an eight page paper by tomorrow is because I have a common disease that most college students have: procrastination. However, there are ways to battle procrastination, and here are a couple of them.

1.    Don’t Start More Than One Project

Starting one project without finishing another is a recipe for disaster. Always finish what you start, or else you’ll be faced with a mountain of half-finished projects. It’s better to have one project finished and then take on another task because finishing one project makes the other ones seem more manageable.

2.    Set Goals

Perhaps instead of saying “set goals,” I should say “set manageable goals.” Part of the reason people have a hard time sticking to their goals is because they set large-scale goals when they need to focus on a short-term goal. For instance, if someone sets a long-term goal of getting a better job, they should also set short-term goals like getting an internship or going job searching.

3.    Make a To-Do List

Actually seeing exactly what you have to do is a good way to organize your thoughts. Trying to remember everything you have to do this week will be a headache. Making a simple to-do list will separate what you need to do and what you want to do.