DIY: Colorful tassel garland

One of the biggest decorative trends at the moment are these tassel garland banners. They’re great for any birthday party, baby shower, holiday party, and pretty much anything else worth celebrating. Looking online I found that these are pretty pricey. So I came up with my own way to make them at home and save money. They’re super easy to make and require little supplies.


  1. Cut one piece of tissue paper in half. One piece of tissue paper will make four pom-poms.
  2. Then, Fold the half piece of tissue paper in half, and then in half again.
  3. Next, cut slits into the paper leaving about an inch at the top.
  4. Twist the pom in the middle and then twist it into a loop. Take the hot glue gun and glue the loop together.
  5. String each pom-pom onto some string. I chose hemp string, but you can choose any kind you wish to.