McIntosh appointed VP for Student Affairs

McIntosh served as dean of students from 2001 until 2013, when McIntosh began working as the interim vice president for student affairs and enrollment management.

After a nationwide search for the position of vice president (VP) for student affairs, Glenn McIntosh has been appointed.

According to President George Hynd, McIntosh has exhibited “outstanding leadership skills” and “unwavering commitment to OU.”

“The faculty, staff and students of the University have become part of my family. Therefore, I am excited about the opportunity to further serve the university in a senior level leadership role,” McIntosh said.

The process to find a suitable VP began in early March, of this year, with a committee consisting of 16 OU students and faculty members as they began to evaluate applications from around the country.

The committee made it known that they were looking for a candidate with passion and concern for all things pertaining to students.

McIntosh served as dean of students from 2001 until 2013, when McIntosh began working as the interim vice president for student affairs and enrollment management.

Now he is moving into the new position after serving for more than two years in the interim role. McIntosh will succeed Mary Beth Snyder as vice president for student affairs.

In addition to McIntosh’s most recent roles on campus, he was also the founding director of the Academic Advising Resource Center from 1998-2001. Before that, he was also the founding director of the Center for Multicultural Initiatives from 1994-2001.

McIntosh also established the national award-winning Trustee Academic Success Scholarship program. A program which gives approved students a mentor to meet with weekly and help them through their first two years at OU.

“The work experiences have progressively led to this point in my career,” McIntosh said about his previous positions held at OU.

McIntosh promises to communicate his ideas with everyone throughout the changing processes.

“My initial plan is to assess our division to ensure that we are employing best practices to the deliver services to students,” McIntosh said. “Additionally, we will seek to upgrade or build appropriate facilities to enhance the living and learning environment for students.”