The life changing experience of study abroad

Students look at information on different countries that are part of the study abroad program.

The International Education Office held a Study Abroad Fair to get students who are looking to broaden their horizons, while also trying something new.


Oakland University students can study abroad in more than 40 countries around the world, or study away at nearly 200 universities in North America. The goal for the International Education Office is to provide students with life changing opportunities.


Study abroad student adviser Casey Stribbel, who studied in South Korea during the summer of 2015, started applying for her program during the winter semester 2015.


“I knew that Oakland had really good study abroad programs, and after I applied I met with advisors who helped me through the rest of the process,” Stribbel said.


For any students who are interested in studying abroad, there is a series of steps that need to be taken in order to do so.


Students must first create an International Education account that can be found under the study abroad section on Oakland’s website, then can proceed by looking up the different programs that OU offers.


After that is done the application process begins. Each program has different GPA requirements—an academic and personal reference are needed, followed by a disciplinary clearance and approval form.


Studying abroad can be very beneficial to students.


“It was really nice and it helped me to get out of my comfort zone, while knowing there’s more in the world than what’s in your community,” Stribbel said.


The cost for each program differs, so while going through the application process to study abroad, students are advised to attend an information session and to make an advising appointment with one of the advisors in the International Education office. Students can apply for financial aid andfor the many different scholarships that are available for certain study abroad programs.


Once students return from studying abroad they have the option of becoming a study abroad volunteer–extending their experience and promoting study abroad to other students at OU events. Students can become a study abroad advisor or speaker and there is also a study abroad office internship. The International Education page on Oakland’s website has more information about possible outcomes and career tips.