Pipe bursts in Oak View Hall, leads to flooding
A minor flood occurred on the third floor of Oak View Hall (OVH) in the afternoon on Nov. 5.
“Anything on the ground soaked it up,” third floor resident Andrew Huff said.
“It was really bad in the bathrooms,” Michael Schmidt, another resident, said.
Elijah Sanders said that the pipe burst in his room.
“I want to launch an investigation into this,” Sanders said.
Sanders added there was water everywhere, and being in a wheelchair, he was stuck in his room until a crew could clean it up.
“I’m a little scared to use the bathroom now,” he said.
The leak made its way down to the graduate rooms and the Resident Directors room on the second floor as well.
This isn’t the first incident of a bursting pipe in OVH. It also occurred in February when a pipe burst and led to the collapse of the building’s entrance ceiling.
OVH is the newest residence hall at Oakland. The $30 million, 500-bed facility opened in August 2014.