Students for Life at OU host anti Planned Parenthood event

897 crosses were displayed near the clock tower on Thursday, Oct. 29.

897 crosses were displayed near the clock tower on Thursday, Oct. 29.

Students for Life at OU hosted a protest against abortion and Planned Parenthood outside the Oakland Center on Thursday, Oct. 29. The group had a large display of pink crosses spread across the lawn near South Foundation Hall and Kresge Library. 

The pink crosses stood for the number of unborn children who are aborted by Planned Parenthood each day. The group wants students to be more aware of Planned Parenthood’s actions.

Members of the group were present to explain to interested students what and why they held the display. 

“I’ve always been pro-life,” Ellen Searle, senior and member of Students for Life at OU, said. 

Searle also said that her parents chose to keep her when having a child in their life wasn’t convenient, so she takes the pro-life standpoint due to personal experience. 

The students teamed up with Students for Life America to hold this event. The national organization has held this event at over 80 schools across the country this semester. Their purpose is to educate students on what they and other pro-lifers see as a huge problem in today’s society.

“The crosses represent the number of abortions Planned Parenthood does every day, that’s 897,” R.J. McVeigh, the great lakes regional director for Students for Life America, said. “This makes them the largest abortion vendor in the country.” 

McVeigh also said that this is his second time helping OU students organize this event. 

Aside from the crosses, statistics were a big part of the display. Students for Life had posters about how Planned Parenthood operates, specifically some of the things they did within the last year.

Here’s a breakdown of the information the group had out:

  • 94 percent of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services are abortions.
  • From 2013 to 2014 it performed 327,653 abortions.
  • Planned Parenthood received $528.4 million fromtax payers last tax season. 

They decided to include the statistics because education is at the group’s core.

Their mission statement is, “Students for Life will create a culture where those most affected by abortion are empowered and equipped to recruit their peers to join our human rights movement, save lives on the front lines, lead local and national initiatives, and provide tangible resources while supporting those facing an unplanned pregnancy.” 

Not all OU students agree with Students for Life’s stand point. 

“I think the group’s presence on campus is horrific,” Nick Ronzi, sophomore, said. “I have always been pro-choice.”

However, the group didn’t report any issues with those who oppose their views. It was a peaceful event, despite the controversial topic.