Doctor relays message of ‘service above self’

Dr. Andrew Baldwin presented to a crowd of students, faculty, and alumni on Nov. 9 about his mission of “Service Above Self.”

His story began when his grandfather, a veteran who was stationed at Pearl Harbor, told him that he should always look at how he “won the lottery of life”, and how he could use said winnings to help others. Currently, his story is with how he formed a Non-Profit Organization called “Got Your Back”, where his goal is to use donations to aid the families of fallen and injured soldiers and to give them the support they need.

In addition, Baldwin is an athlete, and competes in marathons in support of fighting childhood obesity. He’s worked diving recovery missions, traveled overseas as an army doctor helping local people, really Andrew Baldwin has seen and done it all.

Below is a list of the top quotes from Baldwin’s presentation and the following Q and A session to help students understand the ideas behind “Service Above Self.”

  1. “My grandpa always told me to ask “how can I help?”. He saw how I was winning the lottery of life. “

  2. “The kids in Laos had so little, yet were so happy. This was a fundamental turning point in my life, it made me know that I wanted to help with public health endeavors.”

  3. “We all make mistakes sometimes, I like to think I’m a risk taker!”. He said this in reference to his time on “The Bachelor”.

  4. “You should always use your public platform, your sphere of influence, to make a difference. It’s special what you can do with a public platform.”

  5. “Have a good compass, but don’t pretend you have it all figured out yet. “


Dr. Baldwin’s tips for an impactful Veteran’s Day from Dr. Baldwin’s speech.

  1. Don’t just use lip service! Seek out veterans, shake their hands, have conversations. Ask how you can help. Don’t just offer them discounts or free coffee, that’s not what matters.

  2. Oakland University cares about veterans. You may be busy, but push aside just a little bit of time to volunteer, just make that time.

  3. So many families lose loved ones. That’s why “Got Your Back” was formed, to help take kids to baseball games their dads would have taken them to, or to take a widow and a child on a vacation. Remember the fallen, and support the families left behind.