Changes coming to Chartwells

Earlier in the year, Oakland residents were surprised with an increase in their transfer meals which allow them to use dining plans to eat around campus. The fall 2015 semester allowed students an unprecedented five transfer meals a week.

 “I don’t know if what we are going to do will go well, or if I screwed up,” James Zentmeyer, director of Oakland University Housing, said on Thursday night upon arriving to the Resident Halls Association meeting.

As of this RHA meeting, Oakland University students who have resident meal plans can now use seven transfer meals per week.

This is not the only news coming from Chartwells. The downstairs level of the Vandenberg cafeteria has closed its doors for good, except for a new extended breakfast.

Zentmeyer explained that this closure was due to the lack of attendance, with a drop of over 30,000 meals from the fall semester in which it opened to the fall semester of 2015. Transfer meal usage went up by 38,000 meals.

“The adjustments will help you get what you paid for and get what you want out of your meal plan,” Zentmeyer said.

In addition to a new breakfast plan, Vandenberg hours have also changed. Dinner on weekends in the cafeteria has been extended until 7 p.m. according to various signs on each table in the dining hall.

Despite these new changes, rumors continue to spread about the quality of the cafeteria.  Some students claimed that Chartwells failed a health inspection.

“We don’t know where these kinds of rumors come from,” Mark McCormick, resident district manager of Chartwells, said.

McCormick explained that if they had failed a health inspection, everything would have to close for an investigation.

One attractive feature to the now defunct Vandenberg II was its numerous healthy alternatives and vegetarian options. Zentmeyer promised students that some of these options would see their way upstairs.

Furthermore, late night snack will be revamped to include more options and promises were made to improve made-to-order options on the weekend breakfast plans.

Despite these promises, though, Chartwells employees shut and locked the doors to the dining hall at promptly 6:30 p.m. on Friday night with workers being completely unaware of the new schedule changes.