Board of Trustees meet to discuss renovations, approve bond

A $65 million housing complex and $40 million Oakland Center expansion project were approved by the Oakland University Board of Trustees at its most recent meeting on Feb. 22.  

The new residence hall will be located on the south side of campus and add 750 beds.  The hall will also include a dining facility for residents and a restaurant area.  

The new housing complex is expected to be completed by Aug. 2018.

The university hopes to add 40,000 sq. feet to the Oakland Center with the renovation.  The firm, Workshop, has been chosen for the construction and has done work at the University of Michigan and in Wisconsin.  

The board also approved the expansion of Elliott Hall which will add 400 general purpose seats to the building.

Other meeting items approved:

– $124 million general revenue bond series for 2016.

– Dr. Bryant and Dr. Shackelford appointed as distinguished professors.

– Hiring of four new faculty members, five advisers, one assistant registrar, two psychologists and one retention coordinator.

– Posting of five new faculty positions, one adviser and two career services positions.

For more information on the meeting pick up next week’s issue of the Oakland Post.