Grit Obstacle Course Opens in Rochester Hills

GRIT obstacle course will be opening in Rochester Hills Sep. 24. It will provide a comprehensive workout for a large age range and people of all skill levels.
Grit Obstacle Training, one of the first indoor facilities of its kind, will be celebrating its Grand Opening on Sept. 24 by means of staff demonstrations, raffles and discounted rates.
With televised obstacle courses like American Ninja Warrior and BattleFrog rapidly growing in popularity, people are becoming increasingly interested in Obstacle Course Racing (OCR).
“Adults get bored with just going to the gym,” Jason Verbrugghe, owner of Grit Obstacle Training, said. “So this type of training provides that really intense cardio and strength workout, but it’s also a lot of fun.”
Aside from physical fitness, the draw to obstacle training, like all forms of exercise, is the alleviation it can offer to the mental strains of a crippling course load.
“Working out helps relieve stress by exerting energy and even just distracting you,” said OU psychology major Patience Paine.
The nearly 4,800-square-foot facility, housed in the same building where the Pistons’ cheer leading team practices, is located near the east end of campus.
It features infamous obstacles such as the Quin Steps and Warp Wall from Ninja Warrior, along with other assorted obstacles. From Cannon Ball Alley and the Hercules Pull, which involves lifting a 200-pound bucket of sand through a system of pulleys to a balance beam made of PVC pipe on wheels, it is certainly a creative workout.
“My goal here is to really expand it past just Ninja, so we’re looking at anything obstacle-course related and at bringing that training indoors,” Verbrugghe said.
Grit Obstacle Training provides a comprehensive workout for a large age range and people of all skill levels. Classes run from four-year-olds to adults; specific groupings consist of 4-5, 5-8, 9-12 and adult, with open gym days as another option.
The seven trainers — one of whom, Wes Whitlam, participated on the televised version of Ninja Warrior last year — utilize techniques to make every obstacle accessible to the beginner and even more challenging to the advanced.
“When you are pulling your body weight up a wall, it’s a much different challenge than probably anything you’ve experienced before,” Verbrugghe said.
Beyond classes, open gym and personal training sessions, Grit Obstacle Training offers booking for parties and corporate team building.
“If it encourages people to not just workout, but to get involved in courses, getting America going so to say, then I think it’s a good thing,” electrical engineering major John Pak said.
Pricing options vary from $25 a class to $90 for a month of four classes, $20 each open gym to $90 for an unlimited month, with parties starting at $250. However, during the Grand Opening on Sept. 24, open gym will be available for $10. Grit Obstacle Training is also offering a one-month special for a one-day free membership if a person likes its Facebook page.
The company will be giving a university student discount, and sponsorship will be available to any potential students who may be interested in starting an OU competition team.
A representative from Grit Obstacle Training will be at the OU Recreation Center on Sept. 23 and 24 for the Brooksie Way 5K and Half Marathon.
Grit Obstacle Training is located at 2980 Technology Dr. Rochester Hills, MI 48309, or can be reached at, (248) 829-0401 or