Engineering Center wins awards for design and construction
Oakland University’s Engineering center has received multiple awards from different engineering and architecture firms for its sleek design and functionality.
In light of Oakland University’s recent decisions to expand to meet the growing number of students and their needs, members of the OU community are working to ensure the institution grows in style.
Committees dedicated to keeping the quality, design and functionality of these new structures are kept at top priority, and their efforts are earning national attention.
Recently, three awards have been presented to the university to recognize one of campus’ newest facilities.
OU has been honored with two awards from The American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) honoring the design and overall construction of the Oakland University Engineering Center.
Additionally, SmithGroupJJR, the architectural and engineering firm who worked closely on the Engineering Center project, was awarded 2016 Awards of Merit for the mechanical and electrical design and systems used in the cutting-edge 127,000-square-foot classroom, lab and administrative facility.
The AEI competition searches for buildings that exhibit the highest levels of innovative character and originality through the integration and collaboration of sustainability, energy efficiency and effective use of technology, constructability and site logistics.
There have been 15 awards presented in 2016 to the top 11 architectural and engineering organizations nationwide.
The Engineering Center is the only institution in Michigan that has been recognized by the institute.
This year’s AIA recognitions jury, which is composed of the top leaders and honorees of the institute, praised the Engineering Center’s facility, saying that its “large and beautifully composed exterior expresses both the internal activities and building technologies.”
For more information regarding the Oakland University School of Engineering and Computer Science, or any questions regarding the building, visit or call (248) 370-4479.