The Oakland Post

Study shows goldfish have an average of nine seconds longer attention spans than humans.

People have lower attention span than goldfish

Amy Swanson, Staff Reporter September 20, 2016

A study by Microsoft Corporation found that in the last 13 years, humans' attention span dropped from 12 to eight seconds. What does this mean? We have a shorter attention span than goldfish. These...

Despite The New York Times recent article claiming learning styles may not make much of a difference, many instructors still think they are an important teaching method. 

Experts say drop learning styles

Grace Turner January 31, 2016

The idea that some people are visual, kinesthetic or auditory learners may not make much of a difference, according to a recent article in The New York Times.While many are familiar with this learning...

NY Times study shows more unprepared high school grads

Shelby Tankersley, Editor-In-Chief January 5, 2016

We all know that high school and college are two completely different things.College often asks a lot more from a student than high school and can require more time and effort. Compared to college, high...

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