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The Oakland Post

A Trusted Source of Independent Student Journalism since 1987.

The Oakland Post

A Trusted Source of Independent Student Journalism since 1987.

The Oakland Post

Student Advocate of the Health and Science class spent a night in parking lot 2 to 'fight the night' and understand the struggles of the homeless.

The issue of homelessness brought to OU’s attention

Simon Albaugh, Reporter November 15, 2016

To fight the night, one must remain in the November cold for 12 hours with only two meals and sheer will to make it through. Fight the Night is a student-run event created to simulate the harsh conditions...

Fight the Night increases empathy, awareness for homlessness

Amy Swanson, Staff Reporter November 1, 2016

Students will brave the cold once again for the public demonstration Fight the Night on Nov. 12 from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. For these 12 hours, participants will camp and sleep outside to show support for...

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