The Oakland Post

Yik Yak is a place for anyone to vent, complain, tell jokes, post personals or whatever else they feel like sharing.

Top Yaks of the week

By Shelby Tankersley, staff reporter November 15, 2015

  1. “I know we’re all trash, but that’s why they are called garbage cans, not garbage cannots.”

  2. “Me when I’m feeling suspiciously relaxed: what responsibility have I forgotten?”

  3. “All of my friends get an extra hour off partying tonight but I’m getting an extra hour of sleep so who’s the real winner here.”

  4. “Wait… I don’t remember taking my exam in red pen…?”

  5. “Stepped on an eraser and freaked out ‘cause I thought it was my cat’s paw. I’m in the human health building.”

  6. “I feel like Netflix should be the 8th deadly sin.”

  7. “Applying for scholarships is like entering the lottery.”

  8. “Well since I’m running late anyways why not grab a coffee and donuts.”

  9. “Best part of Halloween is the day after Halloween candy sales.

  10. “Was talking to a blind girl in the elevator, as I was leaving I accidentally said ‘I’ll see you around’ and she replied ‘I won’t.’”


“I don’t always look good, but when I do I take selfies to prove that it actually happened.”

“Police should have to wear shoes that light up red and blue for when they chase someone on foot.”

Police Files for 11/18

By Shelby Tankersley, staff reporter November 15, 2015

Police FilesShelby TankersleyParking conflict in P-18            On Oct. 29, an OUPD officer was called to P-18 to back up another officer who had issued a ticket to an angry individual. The...

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