It’s easy to point fingers at the news media
Newsflash: Snooki said she voted for McCain — like we were on the edge of our seats — because he was cute.
And who did she tell this information to? Megan McCain, his daughter.
Whoa! Stop the presses. We have a headline for the morning edition: “Snooki confirms McCain is cute.”
It is stories like this that give American journalism a bad image, and it is the reaction above that makes reporters weep from the absence of editors’ competence.
Lots of stories in the media — liberal, mainstream, yellow, conservative or otherwise — for the past week have exploited subject matter of the ridiculous and weird.
As a matter of principle, a story about Lindsey Lohan’s courtroom adventures should be glossed over like a gulf oil spill.
Is it still leaking? Has BP finally paid off enough people to be left alone?
These questions and more will never be answered.
But at least one underwater creature has decided to get off its ass and do something.
That’s right. Paul the Octopus knows not of the great oil leak of 2010, instead choosing to spend his days predicting the outcomes of World Cup soccer matches.
The creature of the Deep has correctly foreseen all the outcomes of Germany’s matches.
So is Paul a prophet? Is it a hoax? Either way, the story has generated a massive following from FIFA fans all around the world.
While I would normally disregard this story like a cheap cologne, anything to keep my focus off Lindsey Lohan is a godsend.
Even ESPN has gone sour.
King LeBron has dominated the SportsCenter airwaves for the past month. James does carry a whole industry anywhere he goes, but isn’t there Major League Baseball’s Home Run Derby and All-Star Game to worry about?
Fortunately, the media is bound to come back with a punch. What makes me say that? Congress has just come back from their Fourth of July recess.
While the very essence of politics demands a great amount of patience and tolerance for backstabbing procedural rigamarole, the news stories actually matter.
And on the docket: Unemployment. Now that is something everyone can care about.
One may always look to politics for things that matter and, at the same time, carry an obnoxious drama that no writer dares to duplicate.
It is a wonder the media does not focus more energy into this side of society.
On second thought …
It may not be the media’s fault entirely. After all, they are simply giving us what we want; mindless garbage that helps us escape from our lives.
Reality shows flourish. E! News stays in business and TMZ walks over the rights of any celebrity. We don’t care so long as we get to go along for the ride.
None of this would be possible without an audience who constantly craves more.
So for those that curse the media for covering stories about fashion, celebrities or TV stars, brace yourself. There will be plenty more where that came from.
As long as a crowd is interested in the product and there is a means to produce it, expect the more ludicrous and crazy ideas to surface, drowning out the oil-covered surface that’s actually worth delving into.
This is just the beginning.