Dr. Wayne Miller presentation as SHS dean prospect

Dr. Wayne Miller presentation as SHS dean prospect
As the Oakland University School of Health Sciences continues their search for new leadership, members of the Oakland University faculty, staff and students gathered again on April 26 to hear from the second candidate for the dean of health sciences position.
Meet Wayne C. Miller, Ph.D.
Dr. Miller currently holds a position as Director of the Center for Rural and Community Health and a professor of physiology and nutrition in the Biomedical Sciences Department at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine.
He completed his pre-doctoral training at Southern Utah State College (B.A.) and Utah State University (M.S.). His doctoral degree was earned at Brigham Young University, followed by postdoctoral training at the University of Illinois at Chicago studying Exercise Physiology and Nutrition Science.
He began his career at the Indiana University School of Public Health, then moved to the George Washington University Medical Center, eventually becoming Chair of the Department of Exercise Science. Dr. Miller now organizes outreach and community engagement research for communities in Appalachia in his current position at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine.
Miller has spent his time on a variety of research initiatives centered on the topics of fat metabolism, dietary behavior and physical activity. He has done work in the development of weight loss interventions and diabetes management tools for special populations and research on physical activity levels in children.
His most recent research has been focused on the health behaviors of individuals ranging from children to the elderly living in rural Appalachia and other rural communities.
Miller has contributed to the creation of more than 71 peer-reviewed journal articles and 131 abstract presentations.
When asked to describe his vision for the future of the SHS, he spoke about his plans to focus on the aspects related to the branding of the school.
“Are we part of the thought process when people think about health science programs?” Miller asked. “We need to work together to create a one-stop shop for health, so when people think about the future of health science, they think Oakland University SHS.”
Miller spoke on his focus of creating partnerships with other schools in the community, international programs and with the School of Nursing and the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine. He described his plan to align faculty and staff from various departments to work together to create a collective effort toward transforming the SHS into a “health home.”
He touched on the essential aspects of brainstorming within and between departments in order to create better plans for course development, precision and case-based learning.
In the case-based format, the SHS would bring in experts from various departments in order to teach on certain aspects and details of each case so students have the opportunity to learn about the significance that each portion holds.
Miller hopes to encourage student participation in internships and professional programs, as well as create new and improved educationalcertificate and degree programs that meet student needs in various career paths.
“I want to work to extend the School of Health Sciences reach through face-to-face interaction, and as well as online programming,” Miller said.
For any questions or other inquiries related to Dr. Miller’s presentation, contact Dr. Miller at[email protected].