Give thanks for family, tradition, bizarre food
Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for what we have; a time to enjoy a heartfelt dinner with family and friends. Any sort of turkey substitute served at the table like tofurky — a vegetarian alternative to traditional turkey often made with tofu — or turducken — a dish that combines turkey, chicken and duck — is an insult to the very Pilgrims and Native Americans who started this holiday.
On second thought…
Hold on a minute. I started this column all wrong. Thanksgiving is not about the food. It is about coming together and enjoying each others’ company. If that means adding some stuffing, duck, sausage or jelly into your turkey, then so be it.
When Native Americans and Pilgrims sat down to the first Thanksgiving, did Indian Chief Massasoit get upset when the Pilgrims burned the turkey?
Absolutely not. He thanked the Pilgrims for a delicious meal and headed off into the wild blue yonder. But upon returning home, he is rumored to have informed his tribe that their new found friends were lousy cooks and suggested next year’s turkey be made out of tofu.
I’m joking, of course. But even if Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie were somehow at the same Thanksgiving meal, the two would find a way to cope … immediately after the hair pulling, wrestling and obnoxious name calling.
That is what Thanksgiving is all about. It is a time for all Americans to come together with their loved ones — even if your mom prefers tofurky, while your son is wolfing down the turducken and your grandparents are eating gravy straight from the bowl.
It’s true. There is no other American holiday that emphasizes food more than Thanksgiving. And sure, we love to eat, I just never thought circus food would be acceptable for Thanksgiving.
It may have started as a traditional holiday. But over time, and with a new generation, the food has gotten progressively uglier.
However, Thanksgiving is not about the food. Spending time with loved ones is the ultimate payoff.
So bring the tofurky, turducken or any other bizarre dish you may have to the table. We’re sure to eat it.
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