Athlete conduct at eating awareness events was disappointing
Thanks again for covering National Eating Disorder Awareness week. I thought the story looked good.
I was disappointed in the general conduct of the Oakland University athletes, however.
I had two girls sitting behind me muttering about how much it sucked to be there.
Yes, they may have had to spend two and a half hours thinking about something other than themselves, but that is incomparable to the hours and years that many, many people have spent fighting eating disorders.
I thought, in general, the conduct was that of which could be expected of middle school boys.
In an education facility with semi-adults, I thought a majority of the whispers and snickers were reprehensible and entirely disrespectful to the sufferers of eating disorders, the loved ones who came and the panel of experts.
My point in writing this is:
To the girl sitting behind me —
If this film helps even one person in the community, it’s more than you have done.
If this film encourages one person to seek treatment, it’s a life saved.
If this film had one message, it was that eating disorders are life-threatening.
So when you sit behind me and say that “it’s ridiculous,” I want you to know that you are contributing to the stigmas of eating disorders.
Next time, don’t bother coming
I found the conduct of many of the OU athletes to be immature and offensive.
To the person who made the vomiting sound in the background, I would like to tell that person to grow up.
These are real disorders that affect a lot of people — doctors, lawyers, healthcare professionals, CEOs, CFOs, intelligent and respected members of the Metro Detroit community.
Those people (and they know who they are) should be ashamed.
So that’s a follow-up on the actual event.
I do appreciate The Oakland Post covering this, regardless of the athletes who found it to be a waste of time.