COLUMN: OUSC seeks to create an atmosphere full of creativity, culture
Have you ever had the opportunity to be someone else’s voice? Have you ever been able to give a group of people the ability to amplify their concerns? Have you ever given yourself the chance to stand up and let your voice be heard?
Recently, Student Body President Samantha Wolf and I sat down and discussed our vision for the next year for Student Congress.
We talked about what we would want people to remember us for 10 years down the road. We talked about what kinds of things we can do now for the students at Oakland University, or what we can do now that will affect the students in five years. Mostly, we talked about the things we are doing that will give people the opportunity to get involved and let their voices be heard.
We asked ourselves what a vision is. What defines a vision? Is it where we see ourselves at the end of a set time period? Is it the things we want to accomplish while we’re in office? Is it something nobody really holds a lot of weight with?
I’ll tell you what our vision is for OUSC.
Our vision is to create an atmosphere here at OU where innovation and creativity are invited; an atmosphere where culture and service are embraced; an atmosphere where people are given a chance to learn and grow; an atmosphere where voices are heard miles away.
The thing I always tell myself when I start something new is even if it’s temporary, I’m being given a chance to make the most of it, and I’ll do nothing short of that. Our vision includes just that — giving people that atmosphere to prepare them for the next level while still giving them the best experience while they’re here.
We’ve told you our vision OUSC. What’s yours?
Robbie Williford is the Oakland University Student Congress Vice President.
Email him at [email protected]