Spider-Man has been through a variety of tv shows, dating back to 1967. Through the years, Marvel’s wall crawling hero has faced television through 2-D animation, 3-D animation, and live action, but has finally landed his very own Disney+ series.
“Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man” (YFNSM), originally titled “Spider-Man Freshman Year,” was made by Jeff Trammell and started off as the prequel to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Spider-Man films, showing how Peter Parker got his powers, and showing his life as a vigilante before running into Tony Stark. Eventually, the show broke away from the pre-established canon set by the MCU, and turned into something new.
Setting and Story
This version of the Spider-Man story is something entirely new to Spider-Man media, as we get to explore what would happen if a shady and ruthless character such as Norman Osborn were to mentor Peter and become a role model for the young hero, and the consequences that come with having a questionable mentor.
YFNSM gives a much more grounded approach to Spider-Man than the MCU films did, making him more of the street-level hero he originally started out as, and keeping him away from the larger Avenger-level threats until later in his vigilante career.
“The big thing is setting up this world, and I don’t mind branching out of it here and there,” Trammell said in an interview with ScreenRant. “As the show goes on, if we were to encounter other Spider-people, that could be cool. But, for the show in itself, for me, I think our sweet spot is keeping a street-level, grounded Spider-Man.”
While the main plot revolves around Peter working as an Oscorp sponsored Spider-Man, we have a second lead role, Lonnie Lincoln, who parallels Peter, but spirals down a darker path that slowly turns him into the notorious crime boss he is fated to become in the comics.
Spider-Man has always held a great cast of characters, and one of the most recognizable rogues gallery in super hero history. Keeping in line with the older Spider-Man comic look, YFNSM updates deep cut references to older and less commercialized villains such as Tarantula and Speed Demon.
YFNSM takes a note out “The Spectacular Spider-Man” animated series by setting up simple background characters to play a bigger role later down the line. Although a surprising amount of the web head’s rogues gallery have made an appearance, a more surprising amount of Peter’s normal supporting cast are nowhere to be found. Classic characters such as Flash Thompson, Liz Allen, Gwen Stacy and even Mary Jane Watson are missing in action. Instead, Peter surrounds himself with the likes of Amadaus Cho, Asha, Jeanne Foucault, Nico Minoru and Pearl Pangan, characters that normally would have no relationship with Peter Parker, but slide into his cast of characters with grace.
YFNSM is a remixed take on the classic Spider-Man formula. Where other shows walk a similar path to the web head’s comic origins, YFNSM isn’t afraid to break away from the path and tell a truly unique story with these characters. This Spider-Man may be all new and all different, but he is still the amazing Spider-Man that fans new and old adore.
Rating: 4/5 stars