Aquatic Center renovations complete

After being closed to the public June 28 for renovations, the Oakland University Aquatic Center has now reopened with contractors making their Sept. 29 completion goal.

According to assistant director of facility and aquatic operations, Todd Welscott, the repairs and updates include having the marcite pool shell finish removed and replaced, and the spiral staircase to the five-meter diving platform removed and replaced with a ships ladder design from the three-meter diving platform.

Opened in 1998, the OU Aquatic Center has earned a strong reputation as one of the finest of its kind. In addition to being the home for OU’s swimming and diving programs, the Aquatic Center had also been a frequent host for the Summit League Swimming and Diving Championship, where both the men’s and women’s teams have won 10 straight league titles since Division I competition began back in 2000.

Last week, Campus Recreation completed the renovations by putting all of the deck equipment back into place for the reopening.