Feature: Women’s Club Volleyball

Oakland University’s women’s club volleyball team is ready to kick start the 2022-23 school year.

Everyone is ready to get back into the swing of things and that’s where club sports at OU come into play. There are so many students excited about all the different clubs, in particular, volleyball. 

After going through the unprecedented time of COVID-19, students lacked social engagement and these club sports helped bring back some sense of normalcy.

“I didn’t do too much over COVID, there was nothing to do so coming back to school and finding this club, it just gave me something to do, a way to stay active, it’s been so much fun,” Ashley Shelbourne said.

This organization is offered to the campus community for those who want to have the opportunity to meet new people and to compete in the sport they are interested in, which is a plus to the college experience. Clubs like these help build lifelong friendships which is awesome.

“Honestly, this club has made my experience at OU 100% better. When I first started off as a freshman and COVID went down, I knew nobody on campus until I joined and I met all of my best friends. We make really great connections,” volleyball club president, Lanie Saroli said.

Volleyball club has led to a positive impact on women’s self-esteem as well, bringing women together, uplifting one another, and cheering one another on. It is a great vibe for anyone.

“I’d say like, when I first started, I learned to come out of my shell and be more confident, and we’ve all really done that with each other. Now I hang out with a lot of these girls outside of you know, just volleyball, which honestly is just amazing,” Saroli said.

The volleyball club also develops students with time management, between the balance of 

schoolwork and athletics, it also helps build leadership skills. These are the core values to making a club student athlete. There is no experience at all required to join. 

Practices are from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday at the recreation center on court 2. Games are organized through tournaments, playing other club teams and surrounding colleges and universities, which is great since students can even meet new people from these different schools as well. 

“I know that we’re in the works to host a women’s volleyball tournament next semester, in the Winter, so I think that will definitely advertise and get out to the people and get a little bit more of a student fan base,” Saroli said.

For more information, check out the club volleyball team’s Instagram page @wcvboakland.