SPB to host Murder at Meadow Brook: A Murder Mystery Dinner
The annual Murder at Meadow Brook: A Murder Mystery Dinner will take place on March 22.
Get ready for a night of suspense, secrets and crime-solving at Murder at Meadow Brook: A Murder Mystery Dinner. Hosted by the Student Program Board (SPB), the event will take place on Tuesday, March 22 from 6 to 10 p.m. at Meadow Brook Hall.
A tragic murder has happened in the mansion. Here’s how the night will go: upon entry, each guest will be given a new identity with a complete backstory including personal motives, relationships, desires and more.
“When a guest checks in, they will be able to choose from a variety of identity packets, that may end up having them be a suspect, a witness, an accomplice or an investigator of the murder,” Annual Events Director for SPB Kaleigh Belz says. “This way they can familiarize themselves with their role prior to getting into the real nitty-gritty of the mystery.”
Guests can check in and tour Meadow Brook from 6 to 7 p.m. before a three-course dinner from 7:20 to 8:30 p.m. The meal includes salad and the main course — which will be a chicken entree — followed by dessert.
Once guests’ stomachs are full, they will start crime solving. The murder mystery will take place from around 8:30 to 10 p.m.
While ticket sales closed on Tuesday, March 8, they were $10 and open to students and non-OU guests, as long as the purchaser was an OU student. If you missed it this year, don’t worry — Murder Mystery is an annual event.
“It’s been a little while since we’ve been able to host it, due to school closing in 2020, and our virtual 2021, but it is something that we’re excited to bring back,” Belz says.
In regard to COVID-19 safety protocols, all SPB events follow the rules and restrictions of the university, so initially that meant guests would fill out the health screening forms on MySail and wear masks when not actively eating. However, OU has since announced the campus-wide indoor mask mandate will be lifted effective Sunday, March 20.
Masks will be optional now. Additionally, attendees are encouraged to wear semi-formal attire to the event to set the tone for the evening.
“I’m most excited to see how students interact at the event: the students are the investigators, suspects and attendees of the event, so it’s up to them to see how the night truly plays out and if the murder will be solved,” Belz says. “It’s a really unique programming experience that I’m glad we get to share with the students at OU, as they make memories and try something new.”
Following the Murder Mystery event, SPB has other plans for the remainder of the semester: SPB is teaming up with Greek Life to host a Roller Rink on March 29; the Spring Concert (featuring Tai Verdes and Peach Tree Rascals) will be on April 3; Preacher Lawson will be speaking at OU on April 4; a mental health summit called Expo of the Mind will take place on April 12; and lastly, Zuzu Acrobats will visit at the end of the semester during Stress Less Week.
For more SPB events and updates, stay tuned to Campus Labs or follow @spbou on Instagram.