Is the iPhone 6 worth it?
The lack of noticeable changes (other than size) in features for the new iPhone has many sticking with their current models.
Many Apple product owners are used to the company’s shenanigans, and Apple knows it.
The mobile phone producer has had much of the public wrapped around their minimalistic, beautifully designed finger since 2007, and this year’s first release of their “upgraded” flagship device seems to be no different.
But is it?
The Internet is ablaze with snarky tech writers stating that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ may not be worth all the hype. Reviews range from gloating to less than impressed, but it all seems to boil down to one thing: personal preference.
Makayla Glover, an Oakland University junior, has had an iPhone since high school and upgraded to the iPhone 5S this last winter. She doesn’t find Apple’s latest device launch to be anything to write home about.
“I think the maps are better (on the iPhone 6),” she said with a shrug. “And Siri? I mean, you can go either way. I don’t really use it.”
Maps and Siri aside, the most notable and highly anticipated change made to the sixth generation of iPhone was an increased screen size. The device now comes in 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch models. For Glover, though, this change doesn’t justify the price.
“The size doesn’t really matter to me,” Glover said, but she mentioned that she would greatly appreciate marked differences in processing speed and storage, which, in her opinion, would make the increased upgrade price worth it.
OU senior Ashley Nasser has been a faithful Samsung Galaxy user for the past four years, upgrading to the Galaxy S5 just a few months prior to Apple’s biggest launch to date.
Nasser said she’s always used Android and “like(s) how the system is laid out,” but what kept her on “Team Android” were the areas of the iPhone 6 that Apple could have improved, but didn’t: the camera.
“I’m really big on having a nice camera on my phone,” Nasser said. “And that’s one of the things that’s made me stay with Android.”
In addition to less-than-impressive camera specs, Nasser doesn’t believe that Apple’s annual cult-status launches and now-increased upgrade prices are worth her time.
“I think that’s crazy,” she said. “(iPhones) are so expensive, and I think it’s so unnecessary to spend so much money on the same phone, just bigger.” said that before next year, Apple is expected to hold a second launch of new products, just in time for the holiday season. This could possibly leave September upgraders out in the cold.
With that in mind, prospective cell phone shoppers will have a lot to think about in the coming months.