Thoughts on Ferguson: Taylor Johnson, Ania McKoy and Meishaun Willingham
(LEFT) Johnson, junior, women’s studies: “I feel like it’s pathetic, it’s depressing and it’s stupid. I feel like in the situation, whether the boy was black or white, it should have been looked at more thoroughly… it’s more lenient on [the officer] because he is a cop; people ask, wasn’t it just his job?”
(MIDDLE) McKoy, sophomore, communication: “It was so unfair it’s not even funny. To me, I am looking at it from a colored person’s perspective… Let’s compare the past to now. [Racism] is much more disguised as to where they can get away with it.”
“We’ve been taking so much action [and nothing’s been done]. It’s like after the marches, what now? Last year it was Trayvon, this year it was Michael, but when does it change?”
(RIGHT) Willingham, sophomore, human resource development: “I feel like inequality is everywhere… black people are not the only race being discriminated against.”
“We need to honestly learn to deal with it within ourselves, not necessarily as a whole and act crazily, but individually… Everybody has different views, but what we have to realize is that we all live in this world together. If we can’t live in this world together it’s going to crumble.”