Letter from the editor: Goodbye to the good old days

Dear readers,

If you told me a year ago I’d be finishing my term as editor-in-chief quarantined in my bedroom against the outbreak of a global pandemic, I never would’ve believed you. 

But that’s just how life works. It’s unpredictable, and maybe that’s not always a bad thing.

Three years ago, I entered The Oakland Post looking for a job. But I was pleasantly surprised to find something so much better — a family and a place to call home. 

Being welcomed into this office was one of the happiest moments of my life, but I never thought leaving would be one of the saddest. 

The sense of belonging I felt here made even the worst days of my job some of the best days of my life.

I’d be lying to you if I said this job was all sunshine and rainbows. It’s not. Being editor-in-chief is really fucking hard. It’s constant tears you have to suppress to protect staff morale. It’s months of sleepless nights you endure to make sure the content you’re producing is top-tier. It’s forcing yourself to get out of bed every day knowing you might have to make yet another personal sacrifice for the well-being of your staff and readers.

But it’s also the most rewarding experience I’ve ever had. In spite of the challenges that have come with this position, this past year has undoubtedly been the best year of my life, and I wouldn’t trade a second of it for anything in the world.

The truth is, I’ll miss everything about this job — from my stress-induced anxiety attacks at 3 a.m. to my late-night McDonald’s runs after production with my managing editor and content editor. I’ll miss coming into the office every day to complain about the fluctuating temperatures in the building or the fact that it took me a half-hour to find a parking spot in P1. I’ll miss the feeling of writing a good story, knowing I’ll have to shorten it to make it fit in the newspaper. 

Most importantly, though, I’ll miss the camaraderie that has come with this job. The indescribable joy that comes from working with people you love as much as the people at The Post is a once-in-a-lifetime feeling, and I’m so lucky to have felt that for three years. 

One of my favorite TV series is “The Office,” a show that, at its core, is about the relationships you build with the people you work with. The significance of those relationships is one I never understood until I worked with people I cared about, and it’s something I’ve carried with me ever since. 

For the past year, the show’s eccentric boss, Michael Scott, sat on my desk in bobblehead form, holding a plastic mug that reads, “World’s Best Boss.” But that bobblehead wasn’t there to remind me of how good I was. It was to remind me of how good I had it. 

There’s a quote from “The Office” that I think sums up how I feel about leaving this place: “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” The fact of the matter is, these were my good old days. And if I’m lucky enough to still be around 50 years from now, I’ll likely still be reminiscing on my time at The Post.

As my journey at The Post comes to an end, I couldn’t be prouder to be passing the torch on to our sports editor, Michael Pearce, someone I know shares my passion for this newspaper and will lead it to continued success. Michael, take it all in and enjoy it while it lasts because if there’s one thing I’ve learned as editor-in-chief, it’s to never take anything for granted — everything good always ends just as quickly as it begins. 

Before I depart, though, I want to acknowledge a few important people in my life who have made my time as editor-in-chief possible.

To my parents, sister and extended family, thank you for believing in me in moments when I didn’t believe in myself, and pushing me to be the best editor-in-chief I could possibly be. Your love and support are the only reason I’ve been able to do this.

To my advisers and former editors, thank you for your wisdom and guidance. Following in the footsteps of people like former editor-in-chief Shelby Tankersley and former managing editor Laurel Kraus is no easy feat, and I’m humbled by the fact that I’ve been given the opportunity to take the lessons they’ve imparted onto me and continue what they’ve started. Because of them, I can leave The Post knowing I’ve grown into a better leader, editor and friend.

To my best friend Reed, thank you for being there for me and encouraging me to persevere on the days when I just wanted to give up. I know I’ve been difficult to deal with this past year, but I appreciate your loyalty and continued support more than you will ever know. I can only hope I’m even half as good a friend to you as you’ve been to me. I never could’ve done any of this without you, and I’m beyond grateful to you for being my therapist, best friend and, truthfully, my brother.

To my incredible right-hand women, the Katies, it’s hard to say thank you to two people who deserve so much more than that, but thank you. Everything I’ve been able to accomplish at The Post this year is because of the two of you, and I’m forever indebted to you for that. You two exemplify some of the best work The Post has ever seen, and I’m not sure this newspaper will ever be lucky enough to have two people as talented as you on its staff again. You’re my heroes, and I love you both so much. No matter where life takes us, never change and keep being the amazing people you are, because you both truly make the world a better place.

To my staff, thank you for allowing me to lead you for the past year. It’s been one of the greatest honors of my life to work alongside such talented and dedicated individuals. When I came into this position, it was one of my goals to progress The Post’s role as an advocate for the student body, and because of you guys, I’d say we were beyond successful in accomplishing that. If there’s one thing I’ve taught you, I hope it’s that the work you do matters — no matter what anyone tells you. You’re all going to go so far in whatever your future career endeavors might be, and I can’t wait to witness it.

And lastly, to the Oakland University community, thank you for welcoming me with open arms and continuing to read The Post. You are the only reason we do what we do, and it’s been a privilege to serve you all for the past year. 

I’ve waited a long time for this moment, and in my mind, I always knew what I would say when it was time to say goodbye to The Post. But for the first time in my life, I’m completely at a loss for words. I truly feel like the luckiest man in the world to have had this experience. 

Thank you to The Oakland Post for helping me write the most important chapter in my life. I’m proud to call myself a Postie, now and forever.


Trevor Tyle,