Letter to the Editor: ‘Are we just as intolerant as them?’
As I read the Letter to the Editor section of last week’s Oakland Post, I asked myself one startling question: Are we just as intolerant as them?
Since the summer of 2012, Chick-fil-A has been at the forefront of one of the most contentious issues (an issue likely to be resolved this June) of our generation: same-sex marriage.
The Chick-fil-A controversy is especially heated here on campus, mainly because OU houses the only Chick-fil-A in Michigan.
As an out-and-proud gay senior of Oakland University, I am appalled at the level of intolerance manifested by some students regarding the treatment of the Chick-fil-A franchise.
While it is undeniable that the company has donated money to anti-gay groups and whose CEO Dan Cathy publicly condemned gay marriage, OU’s principles must not be violated: We are a campus of diversity and inclusion; that includes those individuals and companies that have unpopular beliefs and opinions.
In my four years as a student here at OU, never have I once been faced with any kind of discrimination or prejudice, from Chick-fil-A or otherwise.
Neither does the mere presence of Chick-fil-A on campus offend me, as a gay man, in any way.
Oakland University should take pride in advertising its Chick-fil-A; it serves great food and the employees are very friendly to its students.
Overall, our emotions should not get in the way, otherwise, we are just as bigoted and intolerant as many opponents of marriage equality.