Pride week celebrations begin Friday


Pride week ends with the much anticipated drag show.

This year, Pride Week will be celebrated on campus through a variety of different activities, from pride prom to a “gayme” night.

One of these events is Lavender Graduation, which takes place April 12. Started at the University of Michigan, the tradition to have a ceremony for LGBTQIA+ students and their allies has spread across the country. 

“Oakland University’s Lavender Graduation is in its third year, but the celebration here is different than other schools,” Grace Wojcik, coordinator of the Gender and Sexuality Center, said. “It’s there so people could celebrate their graduation from college with people who are supportive.

“Ours isn’t just seniors, either,” she said. “We honor the E-boards of some student organizations and Gender and Sexuality Center volunteers. It’s more of an end of the year celebration.”

Maxwell Pelkey, a sophomore English student, looks forward to the lavender ceremony.

“It’s an event I went to last year, and I look forward to it because of the honors it gives. I didn’t have a support system in high school, so I never felt like I could go anywhere to talk to someone when I needed it.”

This year is only the second year the university has had a full week of LGBTQIA+ events. This year, the festivities end with the much anticipated drag show.

“I’ve been excited to participate in pride week since we decided to have the events again. A lot of events planned are really interesting,” Pelkey said.

Three student organizations – Transcend, the LGBT Media Club and the Gay-Straight Alliance – are going head-to-head in Olympic style events during Pride Olympics.

Furthermore, if members of those clubs attend Pride Week events, they will earn points for the team they’re competing for.

“I’ll be participating in some of the events,” freshman Paige Rowland said. “I enjoy the company of some of the people in the GSA and I feel welcome there.”

The events will be held for a week, beginning Friday. Anyone is welcome to attend the events, and more information can be found on the flyers across campus.