OU alum encourages people to “DreamLoud” with new website
Kyle hopes to create the type of website more social-media friendly and professional in order to connect people with different passions.
Kyle Jones is an Oakland University alumnus who graduated April 2016, and has since taken the initiative to make his dreams come true by creating a site to help people’s dreams come true.
He is working on creating a user-friendly website that strives to help individuals not only create and build relationships, but ultimately help one another effectively communicate and achieve their dreams and aspirations through the use of groups.
The social media platform is called DreamLoud and is focused on building a safe haven for those goal-oriented, dream chasing individuals who are looking for a “go-to” to assist them in making their dreams come true by connecting like minded individuals with each other.
It is a free website, so they plan to make their money from ads and hope that in the future they can make money from sponsors. The site will implement a ranking system similar to Reddit, where if someone makes a post or makes a comment on your post you can upvote or downvote, with points given based on how many upvotes you get.
Depending how many points they earn, the user is granted more functionality on the site, such as the ability to create events. However, if a user has zero points, they are only given basic functions on the website. In the future, Jones said he wants to give people the option to schedule events that take place in person, so that users can network or collaborate on projects.
“Our target market ranges from individuals between the ages of 17 and 25, but we are not limiting that number,” Jones said. “The website is for anyone, any age, any color, any race, any gender who has dreams and aspirations that they want to express and accomplish.”
The website is not out yet, but the beta website has a tentative release date of March 2018.
“We are looking for upwards of 50 beta testers to help test the first initial release,” he said.
Jimmy Sze, the second owner of the website, said from the start he believed Jones’ vision for the website was a great idea and has since been trying to help him in any way he could.
“Based on the vision of DreamLoud, we share our ideas and perspectives to one another to see the pros and cons. Like they say, ‘two heads are better than one,’ right?” he said.
Sze’s role in DreamLoud is to give insight and perspective based on his experience and knowledge.
“This is a learning experience for both of us,” he said. “As we progress, I’m sure we’ll stumble but the best thing we can do is learn from our mistakes and continue forward,” Sze said.
As for future plans, more functionality will be added as the site continues to expand, such as adding more groups, events and better customization of user profiles.
“Currently, we’re working on our marketing, trying to get the name out and to increase our user based potential,” he said.
You can find information about the site’s launch, how to volunteer to be a beta tester and links to purchase their merchandise on Facebook and Instagram. You can also contact them at [email protected].