Oakland welcomes new bio-ethics society
Bioethics Society plans to hold discussions and debates on issues in the science and medical world.
The start of a new school year brings plenty of new and exciting opportunities to campus. Among the new changes occurring on campus this year is the introduction of a brand new student organization—the Bioethics Society.
What is bioethics? According to the group’s president and co-founder, junior Jasmine Madoun, it refers to “the study of ethical issues within medicine and health care fields.”
Madoun co-founded the group with junior Stephanie Jabro in order to make students “more aware of the ethical discussions that take place behind the health care fields.”
She has credited her experience of scribing in a doctor’s office to her awareness of how easy it is to become out-of-touch with the common ethical conflicts between patients and physicians.
Unlike many other science-based groups on campus, the Bioethics Society is open to anyone—regardless of major or scientific background.
“We encourage students from all different areas of study to join our society,” Madoun said. “We hope to have a diverse group of students join us in order to help bring different ideas and beliefs to the table to discuss.”
Also intrigued by the idea is sophomore Sandra Peters. “I think it’s rejuvenating knowing that there are organizations on campus that are open to students from all areas of study. Inclusion is such a necessary aspect of the campus community, so I think groups like this are progressive and something that other groups can strive to become,” Peters said.
The Bioethics Society plans to have several guest speakers to educate members on the various topics addressed during meetings. The group is looking at inviting professors from a variety of medical fields, as well as other related fields such as philosophy and law. The meetings will be merged with the Bioethics Club at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, with whom it is affiliated.
The Bioethics Society will focus on encouraging students to “participate in controversial discussions [and] partake in stimulating role play.”
Madoun reported that debates regarding pressing bioethical issues will be common during the group’s monthly meetings. There will be a variety of issues discussed, including surrogacy, organ transplants, neonatal ethics, assisted suicide, compassionate care, abortion, hospice, stem cells, the Human Genome, euthanasia and religion, among others.
She believes that the issues the club will address make it more relevant than ever.
“I think the topics that will be discussed are definitely going to prepare people for their futures and professional careers ahead of them,” Madoun said. “Not only will it help them down the road, but I think that these discussions will allow people to be exposed to various opinions and different beliefs,” she added.
Bioethics society will meet once a month at 1:30 pm on Fridays in O’Dowd Hall.
For more information, students are encouraged to visit the organization’s GrizzOrgs, Facebook and Instagram pages.