The President’s Report: SWAG and grades

The ‘Big 4’ gather momentum 
Hello Oakland,
Last month I gave a brief report on the progress of the four campaign issues that I ran on. This month, I’ll go into some more detail on each of those.
More Outlets: I’ve talked to administrators about the lack of outlets. Here’s what they told me: In current buildings, we could add more outlets. However, it would be hugely expensive to do so due to wiring. For new buildings and expansions, however, that’s an entirely different story. Administration is planning on putting more outlets in new buildings and expansions on current buildings. Rest assured, every time that an expansion comes up (like the OC), I will be pushing them to remember that promise.
More Space: Speaking of the OC, as you know, as part of the tuition increase, the OC is due to be expanded. Since the initial flurry of the tuition increase, I’ve heard surprisingly little about the expansion. The university will soon be sending out a request to architects and planners for proposals for the expansion. Once they do, the university will decide on which they want and a timetable for construction will be set. I will be involved with that process until I leave office in the spring.
More Swag: I do not make excuses. But I believe that I owe you, the student body, an explanation for the delays with the SWAG campaign. There have been two different holdups. One, the vendor OUSC has normally used inexplicably did not perform as expected this summer and fall. Orders were late, costs were increased, and items were printed incorrectly. It is unclear why this vendor, which has been excellent in the past, has not given the same quality work we were used to. Two, in order to purchase a certain quantity of promo items, we have to go through the university. This process takes weeks.
More 4.0’s: There’s not a whole lot to report since last month. The Provost is gathering a task force to work on the grading scale. I am on that force, but have not heard anything from them in some time. I am getting in touch with the Provost to inquire as to his progress. More on that next President’s Report.
As always, if you have any questions or want more information, stop by my office in the basement of the OC or email me at [email protected].