Dressing well is in the jeans

I meet some interesting characters working at a grocery store. Whether you are a psychopath or part of the ideal American family, there’s a pretty good chance you need to eat, and grocery stores are a common place to harvest your meals from — or that’s my understanding, at least.

Customers of all walks of life come in and some have just lost hope. The real shame is when you see college kids who have lost all hope and take no care in their appearances.

I know the stresses: balancing a social life with school and work, drinking lots of coffee to make it through a day. I get it, life sucks, but come on, look presentable.

It’s different if you are going to the gym and wearing a dirty shirt and sweatpants to work out in. At least you are dressed for a reason. But if you can throw on an outfit for about thirty minutes at the gym, where you probably won’t interact with anyone, then what’s stopping anyone from looking like they care the rest of the day?

Now I’m not telling you to throw on a suit every day — kudos if you do, you suave thing, you. From my experience, ladies love nothing more than a man in a suit.

Find a style and go with it. Don’t try to replicate every celebrity, sometimes it just doesn’t work. When putting on a nice pair of jeans is so much of struggle that you resort to sweat pants, maybe they are just too tight.

Furthermore, important people like Hillary Clinton and Ron Paul visit Oakland University. Do you really want to run into someone like that, with your nappy ass bedhead hair, pajama pants and wrinkled T-shirt? Which, let me guess, has a week-old spaghetti stain on it?

I know what you’re thinking — who cares about politicians, I’ll probably never meet them. Ok, you’re right, but what if you walk past a solid 10 and want to ask them out?

“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” said every elementary school teacher ever, and my Managing Editor, Kaylee Kean.

Too bad. Social media and apps like Tinder and Hot or Not have us judging looks all the time. In a visual age, first impressions are more important than ever. The first step to making a good impression is dressing like you care.

If you are confident enough to walk out of your door looking like a bum, just imagine how awesome you could look if you took the time to look halfway decent.

Just remember: pajama pants should be for the privacy of your home. If it takes more than five seconds to tell if a shirt laying on the floor is dirty or not, it’s probably dirty, and you shouldn’t wear it.