Family Trouble: After the Holly High School graduation ceremony on Friday June 4, it was reported that a student was “forcibly removed from the lobby area of the O’Rena by her father, according to the police report. Upon discovering that the mother’s side of the family was present at the ceremony, the student’s father forcefully made the student leave, as she tried to make him stop.
The student was found safe at Holly High School later on Friday evening as reported by Michigan State Police on Monday June 7.
Vandalism Suspect: On June 2 the OU Police Department investigated a complaint of loitering and malicious destruction of property. Two mall security officers at the Village of Rochester Hills, near OU, noticed an individual who was reported to be loitering in the area and expressed attitude when the officers informed him to leave the mall.
The officers later noticed messages spray-painted on buildings in the area as well as on the Oakland University sign at the intersection of Walton and Adams. The OUPD is investigating the graffiti.
Golf Course Trouble: On June 9 OU Police Department investigated an “unwanted touching complaint” at the Sharf Concession Stand at the golf course that took place on June 6. It was reported that a concession stand employee was preparing food and cleaning when a golfer inquired about the employee’s boyfriend. The golfer commented that since her boyfriend was not there that he would give her a hug. The golfer is a returning customer and the employee said he always gives all the girls hugs. The employee reported an unwanted touching complaint. A member of the golfing group mentioned the hug went as far as trying to grab the employee’s underwear. The golfer was informed to stop giving hugs and the employee was pleased with the way the issue was resolved.
Occupational Injury: On June 9, a student slipped and fell near a drinking fountain in Pawley Hall. The student is approximately eight months pregnant and the wet floor near the drinking fountain caused her to fall. She spent 24 hours at Crittenton Hospital and it was reported that there were no injuries and the unborn child is unharmed.